divendres, 10 de juliol del 2009

Japanese scientist visiting the United States... is Science Universal?

Dear reader,

In this article, a biologist visiting the United States from Japan describes the differences he found between the 2 countries, not only on the cultural level, but also in science.

"I had always regarded science as universal and believed there are no differences in science at all between countries. But I was wrong. People with different cultures think in different ways, and therefore their science also may well be different."

Department of Biology, University of the Ryukyus, Nishihara, Okinawa, 903-01 Japan
Perspectives in Biology and Medicine, 32: 489-504 (1989)

The world has progressed in terms of scientific knowledge, but there are still wars and strife

Many people believed that science would be the saviour of humanity.
While science has bring admirable achievements, the root causes of war and strife still remain beyond the realm of science...

This interesting article on KUENSEL explores what Buddhism have to say about this.

dimarts, 16 de juny del 2009

Individualist vs. Collectivist Societies

Dear reader,

Here is an interesting thought about different ways Societies are built.

Harmony and the dream

The article explores the continuum that exists with the most individualistic societies — like the West — on one end, and the most collectivist societies — like China or Japan — on the other.

I hope the reading will be inspiring, enjoy it and leave a comment if you feel like it.

dissabte, 23 de maig del 2009

The Great Pacific Garbage

Dear reader...

Decide by yourself if it is time to stop the plastic...
Watch the Great Pacific Garbage on this slide show...
or on TED: Capt. Charles Moore on the seas of plastic

... and eventually, stop using unnecessary plastic bags!
... if you are in Japan
click here.


dissabte, 9 de maig del 2009

STOP THE ENGINE - japanese text

Dear reader,

You live in Japan and feel terrible when you see people (most of the time taxidrivers sleeping) inside their car parked with the engine running?

You would love to tell them that the engine running during parking time is an avoidable act of unnecessary pollution?

You can print this message and show it to them (or leave it on the wipers for when they wake up)!!!

It says something very simple: "Stop the engine for the Earth!! Thank you very much!!"

If we spread this meme... we are contributing to the change!

Good luck!

divendres, 8 de maig del 2009

can vegetarians perform as well as their carnivorous counterparts in physical competition?

... of course YES!!! :D

This is a question that is often risen... so let me share this link: click here.

dimecres, 26 de novembre del 2008

NO PLASTIC japanese text

Dear reader,

You live in Japan and cannot stand the inmense ammount of plastic used in this country?

You would love to explain to the people at the combini (or other shops) that you don't want the plastic bag or the tape that they are imposing to you?

Tell them you don't want them because you don't need them and do not want to contribute to the pollution of the Earth.
If we spread this meme... we are contributing to the change!

Print this message and show it to them in their next attempt of plastification!!!

Japan has a strong culture of wrapping, but, come on!! the unnecessary enormous tragic use of plastic cannot be justified by that!!!

divendres, 7 de novembre del 2008

Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck's coronation

Dear reader,

I would like toshare with some links to videos and photos of the CORONATION of the 5th King of Bhutan that took place on November the 6th. Beautiful!

BBC video
BBC pictures
Repubblica pictures
Le Monde pictures
skynews video and pictures
kuzoo.net videos
bhutan-360 videos

Tashi Delek!

dimecres, 8 d’octubre del 2008

Bhutanese impressions on America

Dear reader,

I would like to share with you a funny, true, beautiful written article from Kuensel.
It's a collection of impressions of a Bhutanese living in America.

click here to read it

"You need both hands to hold a medium sized drink."
:D :D :D :D :D :D

dilluns, 6 d’octubre del 2008

Joke of the Week XLI of the year MMVIII

(This poster can also be found displayed in the metro of Tokyo!)

:D :D :D :D :D :D